Browsing CategoryTravel

The 2021 guide to a family-friendly holiday

It would be fair to say that any family-friendly holiday guide written before 2020 needs to be completely overhauled. The rules have gone out of the window, and what worked then certainly doesn’t now. Of course, as time progresses, such guides will start to become more actionable, but at least for the next few months, you need different tricks up your sleeve. This is what today is all about. With the restricted Easter holidays almost upon us and the spring half-term not that much further away, read on to find out the top family-friendly holiday tips you should abide by…

Great beach travel destinations

Let’s face it, 2020 has us all dreaming about our next vacation spot. The next year may be too early for travel outside of the country but there are so many beautiful travel destinations in the US that are just as noteworthy. Do you live in the city but dream of that margarita on the beach? Maybe you love your proximity to the mountains but you could use some beach time next summer? Well, we’re here to provide you some pretty spectacular travel spots that give you that much-needed vitamin-c. So, get ready to pack that adorable swimsuit and plan…

The Nomadic Family’s Guide to Traveling in South America

Have you been thinking about traveling to South America? If so, you may want to prepare yourself beforehand. This is particularly true of families hoping to head down south. Still, with the right information, you could travel and stay in South America with zero problems. Additionally, you may find that South America offers a wide range of unforgettable experiences, flavors, and sensations that your family will love. Traveling to South America One of the first things that you and your family will need to figure out is travel to South America. Fortunately, there are several options. You could travel by…

Protecting Your Valuables when You’re on Vacation 

Traveling is something that everyone should consider doing at least a few times in their lives. Vacations out of state or even to Europe are great experiences that expose you to different cultures and broaden your horizons.    However, sometimes things don’t go as planned. From delays in air travel to being a victim of a scam or theft, you need to ensure you’re doing everything you can to protect yourself, your loved ones and your valuables when you’re on vacation.    Leave the Unnecessary Valuables at Home    While you may never take the antique brooches your aunt left…

Financial Checklist for Going on a Globetrotting Adventure

You’re thinking of going out on a globetrotting adventure, but you aren’t sure your financial affairs are in order. The following checklist should help you feel better about taking on the experience of a lifetime.   Notifying Financial Institutions   One thing you need to do is reach out to the financial institutions with whom you hold accounts. This includes your banks and credit card companies. You need to tell them that you’ll be traveling soon, and be specific about the countries and cities you’ll be visiting. The reason you are doing this is to ensure you can continue to…

Tips for Staying Fit While Traveling

  You are trying to stay fit, but you have a big traveling schedule. You’ll be away from everything that makes it easy for you to keep healthy, but the following tips are going to give you back your power.   The World is a Gym   The first thing you have to remember is that the world can be a gym if you let it. Look for places to hike wherever you land or look for parks where you can run. You can take things a step further if you create your challenge as you walk around a park,…

Tips to Enjoying an Affordable Staycation

With most of the world on lockdown amid a global pandemic, getting away isn’t easy. Changes like travel bans, social distancing, and quarantine requirements make it difficult to travel outside of state lines, let alone internationally. While this does put a monkey-wrench in vacation and business travel, it doesn’t mean you have to remain stuck in the house. A staycation could be just as fun.    What is a Staycation?    A staycation is leisure time spent exploring your city or state. You can plan to stay at a local hotel or opt to stay home and indulge in day…

6 Reasons Why it’s Beneficial to Change Your Atmosphere and See Something New

Have you ever noticed that your entire perspective changes when you enter a completely different place? If not, think about how you feel when you work from a different office. Or when you go on vacation in a new and remote location. On a smaller scale, you can even change your perspective by hanging out in a different room in your home. We can’t quite put our finger on it, but there’s something different. A change of scenery can make you more productive Research by Regus found that more than 53 percent of UK workers experience cabin-fever type feelings about…

Yachts Charter: What and Where?

The moment you think of chartering around the world, the first thing that comes to your mind is the right kind of yacht. Yacht chartering is a superb idea for vacationing and traveling around the world provided you have the perfect vessel. There are a lot of things that you need to know before finding out the exact type of yachts for traveling, to pick the perfect boat for your sailing group.  The amenities, facilities, services, and crew are some of the aspects that you need to see before chartering the yacht. You have to know about the kinds of…

Headed to Greece on Vacation, Here is Where You Should Go

There are not many places that have been as important to world history as the nation of Greece. Along with Egypt which flourished much earlier, Greece is an ancient culture that gave the world much of what forms the foundations for modern civilizations today. The country flourished for so long because it sits right in the heart of one of the most fertile and populated areas of the world. Sitting near three continents and some of the richest and most powerful nations throughout history, Greece was always the center of Trade, and political activity in this part of the world.…